My interview with Pair Insider

brian_d_foy on 2007-06-26T20:40:46

Robert Blackwell from Pair Networks intereviewed me for the Pair Insider about my experience as a Pair customer. There's also a podcast that goes with it (get it from the RSS feed or in m4a format.

Pair has sponsored The Perl Review since it's second issue, sometime way back in 2001, so I'm a bit biased. I'm a very happy customer, so I say very nice things about Pair. For me, to get anymore out of it I'd have to admin my own box, and I'm avoiding that).

The latest good news from Pair is that Pugs and parrot are now pre-installed. I talk about that more in the interview. If you want to play with all of the stuff you're hearing about at YAPC::NA (even through podcasts), you can skip the pain of installing the tools yourself

I think they got some answers mixed up.

stu42j on 2007-06-27T19:00:18

pN: What is the most interesting problem being solved with Perl today?

bdf: It all depends on the problem. If a dynamic language such as Perl is the right tool for the problem, then a serious developer will use it. Good developers learn several languages, and those languages become tools in their toolbox.