
brian_d_foy on 2007-01-20T07:47:49

Inspired by Ovid's terminal applescript, Chris wrote a Mac::Glue version for iTerm. I've turned that into Mac::iTerm::LaunchPad and given it even more features. It opens a new window with multiple tabs, one for each directory I specify. The arguments can be aliases (nicknames, not the fs type) for directories. Once I had this in came in very handy for developing itself and releasing itself.

---Frontmost finder directory, defaulting to desktop
% new-iterm

---Frontmost finder directory, using special alias % new-iterm finder

---Named directory % new-iterm /Users/brian/Dev

---Named directory with ~ % new-iterm ~/Dev

---Multiple tabs % new-iterm ~/Dev ~/Foo ~/Bar

---Aliases, predefined in code % new-iterm music applications

---Aliases, defined in your own ~/.new-iterm-aliases % new-iterm foo bar baz

This should be one of those meme things. I tag dha, who now has to improve on it in some way.