Five things you didn't know about me (meme).

brian_d_foy on 2007-01-17T05:58:24

Curtis tagged me so I guess I'm it. I have to tell you five things you don't know about me.

  • I've personally violated the Posse Comitatus Act.
  • I made it appear as if I worked for the CIA to get past a military checkpoint in a foreign country while on official business of the government.
  • I've seen $600 million in cash in a pile on the floor. It's a smaller pile than you think it is. I've only held $100,000 in cash at one time though. It's also smaller than you'd think.
  • I took over a Jordanian airliner and told the security official if he didn't like it he could leave my airport. We had a brief armed stand-off then shook hands and were friendly from then on, even after I gave him a tampon and told him it was a cigar.
  • I worked with the guy who put the first Java applet on the web. He had it before everyone else because he was the guy creating it for Sun.


djberg96 on 2007-01-17T15:52:26

I've seen $600 million in cash in a pile on the floor. It's a smaller pile than you think it is. I've only held $100,000 in cash at one time though. It's also smaller than you'd think.
So...weren't you even a *little* tempted?

Personally, I think they should have distributed it to the troops. :)