Going to Finland in April

brian_d_foy on 2007-01-05T00:37:54

I have a trip to Finland for the first week of April for a non-tech book project. I'll be splitting my time between Helsinki and Turku.

I was hoping to buy Jarrko and Elaine some beers, but now that they've moved to Boston I have to do that or some other Perl mongers. Any volunteers?

sticking around?

jonasbn on 2007-01-05T15:20:59

hi brian,

for how long are you sticking around the nordic region?


Re:sticking around?

brian_d_foy on 2007-01-05T18:43:04

I'll be in Finland for just the first week of April. Not to worry though, I'm coming back in the summer. We're scouting some areas for research on a book on Finnish history, and should make an extended trip this summer to hit the surrounding countries. As soon as you post some dates for the Nordic Perl Workshop we can plan the second trip :)