Taking over Crypt::SSLeay

brian_d_foy on 2006-12-15T15:07:11

Unless someone else steps forward (maybe grinder?), I'm going to take over maintenance of Crypt::SSLeay to apply some of the outstanding patches. If you are instereted, please let us know on modules AT perl DOT org.

The first releases will be developer releases to make sure I don't break anything, and along the way I'll get it into a public repository of some sort so other people can work on it.

Somewhere in my rich fantasy life I have this notion of someone sponsoring me to just fix bugs in modules with absent authors. :)


fishbot on 2006-12-15T16:39:49

I use Crypt::SSLeay extensively at $work, and we have to use our own locally patched version, as there are persistent SEGV issues. I can't donate money, but I can donate a test bed on a variety of platforms, and company time to verify your dev versions.

Even just applying the pending patches would make a huge difference to me at $work, so I can donate dev and doc time too, if desired.

I'll email you my work address if you want to discuss a division of labour.


dagolden on 2006-12-15T20:04:01

I've been pretty happy with Google's free code repository. E.g. DAGOLDEN. Supports SSL, too.

The other suggestion I'd give would be Alias' repository, as he's pretty liberal about handing out commit bits. I don't like the layout though (trunk/project, tags/project instead of project/trunk, project/tags) -- it makes it harder to work on a single project with SVK without replicating the entire repository or replicating each piece separately.


grinder on 2006-12-15T21:55:32

I've sent Joshua Chamas an e-mail to ask whether he would consider handing over maintenance to me. We'll see how that pans out, but I would be surprised to get an answer back quickly.

Apart from that, yes, I have the infrastructure to give the module its own Subversion repository. I've also been looking at AnnoCPAN and cpanforum as well for additional comments and issues that need to be addressed.

modules with absent authors

kid51 on 2006-12-16T23:30:15


I have elsewhere described how Perl Seminar NY hopes to revive the Phalanx project by recruiting hoplites for Mentored Maintenance of CPAN Modules.

We're at the stage in this project where we're soliciting current CPAN authors/maintainers for names of CPAN distributions whose maintenance they want to share or transfer. While we've gotten a healthy-sized list of such distros, it might make sense to augment this with distros whose authors are absent.

Could you post such a list? Thanks.

Re:modules with absent authors

brian_d_foy on 2006-12-16T23:39:23

I don't have a list. I just deal with them when they become a problem, and then they aren't a problem anymore. :)

You might, however, come up with a nifty gizmo to crawl PAUSE and RT to see which authors have disappeared and which distros have lots of outstanding patches, comparing that to release dates and whatnot.