brian's a dumbass, CVS edition.

brian_d_foy on 2006-05-16T05:52:55

It looks like the last time I talked about being a dumbass was the beginning of 2005. Maybe I haven't done enough coding since then to have some truly great dumbass episodes, so you'll have to make do with this one.

Sourceforge had to change the server names for their CVS machines. This wouldn't be a problem if I checked in my changes because I could just grab everything again. Nope, lazy me has a bunch of changes to check in.

That's really no big deal, I guess, since the only thing a fresh copy gets me is new CVS/Root files that have the right server name in them.

I figure I'll just update those myself:

find . -name Root | xargs perl -pi.old -e 's/cvs\.sourceforge/brian-d-foy.cvs.sourceforge/' 

I'll try to be a more exciting dumbass next time.


Aristotle on 2006-05-16T21:54:11

Help me out here… I don’t see it.


brian_d_foy on 2006-05-16T22:32:29

Don't see what? I'm a dumbass for leaving a bunch on unchecked-in changes laying around. I warned you it wasn't that exciting. :)


Aristotle on 2006-05-16T23:50:13

So nothing went wrong with your find command?


pudge on 2006-05-18T06:08:42

I hope not, because I used the exact same thing (well, my regex was slightly different, and I am WAY too cool to use a backup file, so my -i was unadorned).