Perl wristbands advance

brian_d_foy on 2006-02-02T02:22:44

A while ago, Sarah Burcham and I were talking about making a bunch of Perl wristbands (just like the Livestrong bands, etc), so when I got back from the holiday, I went out and had 1,000 #perl wristbands (see some pics) made (and yes, in hindsight, I should have made that #!perl, but we were talking about IRC too and that's what stuck in my mind when I ordered them. We'll fix that in version 2).

We figured we've give Perl Mongers people, friends, and family the chance to take a bunch off our hands at cost, so before I start selling them at $2 a band (and that includes shipping in the US and taxes!), PM groups can buy them in bulk and just pay our costs.

If you're interested in that, send me some mail and we'll work it out. In the next couple of weeks I'll get my act together so I can sell these online.

We're hoping to turn around most of that money to donate to YAPC Chicago, or even make some different wristbands for YAPC. :)

how long before

hfb on 2006-02-02T07:45:56

some twat points out that the lettering is all caps, eh? :)

Re:how long before

brian_d_foy on 2006-02-02T08:00:28

Actually, that happened pretty quickly, but that's all you get unless you pay the big bucks for fancy lettering. :)


boojum on 2006-02-21T18:54:52

I think most people are able and willing to pay $5 for them. I think they should be promoted as a $5 donation and maybe at YAPC have an option for students to pay $2.


brian_d_foy on 2006-02-21T20:36:22

That could be, but I wasn't focussed to much on mining the money in the Perl community. :)

Right now, for the cool kids, Perl Mongers, and whoever sees this before I start to really sell them (maybe I should have waited until I moved into my new place :), I'll give the big discount. :)