YAPC::NA Call for Papers

brian_d_foy on 2006-01-16T02:54:59

Josh came over to my apartment to talk about YAPC, conduct a couple of interviews, and take a podcasting book off of my hands. He told me that the YAPC crew had already put out the Call For Papers, and me, thinking I'd missed that with all of the other things that happened over the holidays, went looking for it on use.perl, and there it is in the news for December 8, when I was incommunicado doing my military thing (so blame it on The Man).

If you missed it too, no worries. You have until April 1 (no joke!) to send in your submissions. This is Chicago, so submit early and submit often!


jmm on 2006-01-16T14:28:50

This is Chicago, so submit early and submit often! ...

... regardless of whether you're still living.