Portland Perl Author Extravaganza

brian_d_foy on 2006-01-16T00:12:54

Along with Powell's Bookstore, I'm organizing a Perl event in Portland on the afternoon of Saturday, March 25, to celebrate the launch of Intermediate Perl. We'll have several Perl book authors (and editors and Parrot hackers, and ...) there to sign books, talk about Perl, and generally hang out. Maybe we can make this a special meeting of PDX.pm.

So far, I have commitments from Allison Randal, chromatic, Randal Schwartz, Tom Phoenix, and myself. There aren't any definite plans for dinner and drinks afterwards, but we have to eat sometime. :)

If you've written a Perl book and are near Portland (or want to travel), I invite you to take part too. Just let me know that you'll be there and which books I should tell Powell's to have on hand for you.