The Learning Perl Study Guide

brian_d_foy on 2005-12-20T16:39:10

According to Google, I haven't ever said much about The Learning Perl Study Guide that I wrote for O'Reilly at the beginning of the year. Some people know about it, but here's the story:

I think O'Reilly is starting a series of Study Guide books. Each Study Guide would be a set of exercises and answers to accompany the main text. Since Learning Perl already has exercises, my book would be even more exercises and answers. I would simply mirror the chapters from the Llama since it is already set up as a tutorial.

I don't know much of the details on what other authors were doing, but around January, O'Reilly gave me about a month to create the study guide for Learning Perl. I worked pretty quickly on it and finished it up. They paid me according to the contract and everyone seemed happy. According to the template they gave me, it's going to be about 90 pages of bonus features.

It sat on the shelf for about a year. I don't really know the story with that because I was busy with other things and not paying too close attention to it, but since Learning Perl 4[th edition] was coming out later that summer, waiting to publish the study guide made sense so I didn't mind if it was published later.

This week O'Reilly asked me to update the book for the latest edition of Learning Perl and say that it should go into the catalog very soon (meaning that stores can order it, I think).

If you'd like to review the draft as it is now, let me know. I should probably make sure that the updates I made actually made sense. :)

I'm interested

ambs on 2005-12-20T17:49:31

In the study guide, or to help extending it. Not in reviewing at the moment as I did that already :)

Learning Perl 4?

itub on 2005-12-20T19:18:17

Now that everyone wants to learn Perl 6, you publish a book about Perl 4? ;-)