The Perl Review 2.1 PDF available to subscribers

brian_d_foy on 2005-12-01T08:28:31

I'm sending out the email announcements as I post this. Once you get the new password, you'll be able to download the latest issue of The Perl Review.

In this issue:

  • Seven Sins of Perl OO Programming -- chromatic
  • Hash Anti-Patterns -- Alberto Manuel Simões
  • Haskell for Perlers -- Frank Antonsen
  • PerlWar -- Yanick Champoux
  • books reviews, commentary, news and more...

Some of you neglected to renew, but I won't bug you in email anymore. To find out more about the sampler on the cover, you'll have to renew that subscription.

If you haven't subscribed yet, now's the time because I have to raise prices next year when the US postal rates go up.

I really should rethink turning in a book and a magazine on the same day. :(


ambs on 2005-12-01T13:23:20

For the nice work. Nice aspect, really nice cover. I just need to understand how do you have the time for TPR, O'Reilly books and work :-D


sigzero on 2005-12-01T14:56:02

No kidding! I know TPR has got to be a time consumer.


brian_d_foy on 2005-12-04T23:27:27

Well, writing the books is work. All those co-authors are Stonehenge co-employees and we teach that stuff as our core business. :)

your prodding worked!

lachoy on 2005-12-01T20:16:06

Just to close the feedback loop: your notification finally spurred me to subscribe; prodding about raising prices didn't hurt either!