Perl 6 article, anyone?

brian_d_foy on 2005-10-25T17:06:15

On the Perl Whirl Geekcruise, I got to see Allison's Perl 6 talk which means I got to see her run some Perl 6 code. For the basic stuff I saw it was still pretty exciting.

Who wants to write the first Perl 6 article for The Perl Review? I'm not looking for a grand survey of the field; I want a quick and easy "Start writing Perl 6 now" article.

Here's my concept of the article, although it doesn't have to go this way:

  • Installing Pugs
  • Hello World
  • Introduction to Pugs History
  • Nifty new Perl 6 operators you can use now
  • Lots of little programs
  • References to all the other places to look

I also tend to have these ideas too close to the deadline for articles :(

and then theres

n1vux on 2005-10-25T17:16:16

All the Perl6::* modules on CPAN.

No, I'm not volunteering. Need more TUITs, round preferred, but octagonal would suffice.

need more tuits?

nicholas on 2005-10-25T18:14:38

Aha., I see. You should have said that you were short of tuits last week. I could have given Jesse some to give to you.

Not sure if you are still looking...

jjn1056 on 2005-10-27T14:20:42

I'm not sure if I could be the type of Perl6 user you want for such an article, but I'd be interested in giving it a shot if you feel what I have to offer is a good match.

I've been using perl5 heavily since 1995 in various IT capacities so I am very familiar with the community. However I am just getting my feet wet with Perl6. Although I've been avidly reading the Perl6::Bible modules for quite a while I only just downloaded pugs and started playing with it for a few weeks. In a way that is good, since my troubles are probably the troubles of many others. However you might be looking for more of an expert. Please let me know.