Now that Learning Perl is out, I doing whatever I can to let people know about it.
Along with another O'Reilly author in Chicago (who I'll name later), I'm working on some Borders and Barnes & Noble appearances. I figure having a couple of authors at the same time will get a bigger and more diverse crowd.
Anyone else want to try this with me? I was thinking about trying it in Portland (yes, a Powell's thing is already in the works), Boston, and San Jose (or nearby). I'm not against other cities, but I can easily be in any of those three cities.
Re:Madison or Milwaukee
brian_d_foy on 2005-07-29T16:15:51
Hey, that would work too. I keep meaning to get up there but then never do. I've never been to either city.
I can think of a few authors who live in the Portland area.
Re:SoftPro out in Burlington
brian_d_foy on 2005-08-01T13:50:39
I already know I'm not going to get crowds in Michael Jackson proportions, which is why I figure we should doubloe up on the authors.
I'm not even sure Uri would care enough to show up for a Learning Perl thing;) Re:SoftPro out in Burlington
n1vux on 2005-08-02T02:32:04
SoftPro has been in Waltham for 2 years and has just been bought out by Quantum.
Quantum Cambridge and Waltham would be ideal locations, of course. Now that is meeting at MIT, I'm in hopes of getting away early to pick up some new books at Quantum before hand next week... like getting away early from work is likely...
Bill"crowds in Michael Jackson proportions" / Boston
n1vux on 2005-08-02T03:14:16
(1) I don't think we got even a dozen dozen folk for each of Michael A. Jackson's Structured Programming and Development Boston seminars in the 1980's, but I'd have to dig deep to get those numbers. I'm sure he drew better in NYC or London in the day.(2) MAJ is out-drawn by the other Michael Jackson on their home island, but we have our own prophets of beer and whisky (MAP) here in Boston.
(3) If you mean the has-been M.Jackson, the standard of Jacksonian crowds has diminished of late.
======== SERIOUSLY ===========
Depending when you'll be in Boston next, I could even try to get you Jackson(1)'s Saturday forum, GBC-ACM PDS
... we offered it to Randal, but we couldn't make a mutual date. They haven't posted the Fall 2005 schedule, so they may still have a date open -- eMail me direct at $DayJob if interested. If you have specific dates for Boston, and would like to get back-to-back weeks, I can try to astro-turf a demand for a class at $DayJob. (Ditto)
I won't speak for Uri, but Boston.PM ought to be able to get get some of our co-workers to turn out.
-- Bill