Llama party at my house! July 22

brian_d_foy on 2005-07-15T06:51:04

I'm supposed to get a big box of new Llamas (the book, because the animals don't fit in boxes) any day now. MJD beat me too it, but I'd like to host a book party at my place (Google Maps) two fridays before OSCON, July 22. I'm sketchy on the details because I'll come up with those based on the people who want to stop by. Just drop me an email if you're interested.

Along with the Llama, I have about 20 shelf-feet of other books people can walk off, including many, many current books from the O'Reilly and Apress, not just the old stuff from WROX and Coriolis. :)

Other attractions include Schwern's Shirt, a huge box that is the start of my Perl Paraphenalia Museum, my wife's vast collection of MST3K, several jars of the recently discovered Frontera Grill salsa (a local restaurant for you non-Chicagoans), several bottles of wine we've been trying to get rid of at parties (but people keep bringing more), almost completely open WiFi access, and a TiVo full of Tour de France coverage.

Couldn't it be last weekend ;)

speters on 2005-07-16T07:15:29

I just spent the weekend with the family in Chicago. Maybe I could squek in a visit to see the other people on the Chicago.pm list.