"die() is the new goto()"

brian_d_foy on 2005-01-12T00:56:36

I have no idea why I wrote "die() is the new goto()" on a PostIt and then lefft it on my corkboard for three months, but there it is.

Die provides no context

ajtaylor on 2005-01-12T23:12:21

IMHO, die is not very useful because it provides very little context - just an error message and the line that has the die() call. Stack traces ala confess() are invaluable when debugging a complex app.

As to whether this makes die() qualify as the next goto(), I don't know. :-)


Aristotle on 2005-01-13T05:32:46

Probably in relation to the oft-mentioned assertions that exceptions can be abused like GOTO, which is a topic in those programming worlds where exceptions are more widely used than in Perl.


pelagic on 2005-01-14T15:52:07

If "die()is the new goto()" what would in be the new comefrom() then in your opinion?