The latest version of the ISBN data is available in Business::ISBN::Data. The ISBN folks added several country prefixes and adjusted a lot of publisher ranges. I had to adjust Business::ISBN too since its set of tests used invalid ISBNs to test failures, but with the new data, those numbers are now valid. The changes only affect the tests, though.
The coolest bit is that the range data is now available in a PDF (although a text file is more appropriate) and it's a lot easier to parse than the fugly HTML they had before. I included in the new distro a script to parse that and recreate the data structure. This should make data updates much easier. :)
brian_d_foy on 2004-12-15T12:02:19
I've always wanted to get one of the CueCat scanners, but for some reason I thought they were really expensive. I never even bothered to check on eBay.
How did you modified your CueCat? Is it wireless now? Any chance you could show some code, or write about it for The Perl Review?:) CueCat
wickline on 2004-12-15T14:29:03
I can't speak for Zed, but I used these instructions when I modified mine. I got three on ebay for pretty cheap, modified all of them, then gave two away as gifts.
Once upon a time, I gather cuecats were given away for free. You were supposed to use them with some proprietary software to scan random UPCs and be given some info about the associated items. Now folks modify the device so that it sends input that your PC can treat just like keystrokes. This lets you use the cuecat to simply scan in barcodes.
I'm guessing that this is the modification Zed was writting about (rather than turning a USB into a Bluetooth device). If you need to make a USB device a Bluetooth device, you could hunt for things like this (but smaller, ideally).
Zed on 2004-12-15T17:30:24
The modification is as wickline says. And I didn't do it myself; I bought it that way. (By the way, the $8.50 eBay price I cited was after shipping & handling and insurance... these things are dirt cheap.)
The Windows and Linux keyboard drivers do the right thing with the Cuecat's output, but X's interpretation of it is gobbledygook, so I had to decode it.
I'd be happy to write up a short tour-of-the-CPAN "how to scan books with your Cuecat, look up their info on Amazon, and load it in a database" article for the Perl Review, if you'd be interested in that (that would be a very different article from the one I think you were imagining above.)
I'll note though, that said program ultimately isn't that practical, and serves only as a demo. Amazon's info is often flaky -- listing two versions of an author's name as co-authors, or listing an introduction-writer as co-author. Doing it right would involve checking multiple sources (through web-scraping), presenting the info as choices, and soliciting user confirmation of what to use. And that'd involve a real UI and a lot more code than I've written.Re:CueCat
brian_d_foy on 2004-12-15T17:42:07
I wasn't imagining any particular article: just something with the CueCat and Business::ISBN and whatever you're doing with it.:)