I shoulda had a V8

brian_d_foy on 2004-09-30T04:48:05

From the "Why haven't I thought of this before" files

cvs update 2>&1 | perl -ne 's/^\?\s+// and print' | xargs cvs add

Too risky?

ambs on 2004-09-30T07:09:49

For most cvs modules I have (C with autoconf and automake temporary files, Perl with blib and pm_to_blib files, TeX with temporary files) that line is too risky, unless you create first a .cvsignore file.

Re:Too risky?

brian_d_foy on 2004-09-30T07:20:46

Well, you should look at the cvs status first. I don't do it without knowing what it is going to do first: it just saves me a lot of typing or cutting-and-pasting. :)

And why aren't you using .cvsignore? Hmmmm? Put files like blib and pm_to_blib in the global ignore file!

Re:Too risky?

ambs on 2004-09-30T07:26:52

Global ignore file? Is there such a thing?

Re:Too risky?

jonasbn on 2004-09-30T07:34:53

There are plenty of way to define the CVS ignores also globally.

This variable is appended last to the ignore list during a command. The list is built up in this order: CVSROOT/cvsignore, the .cvsignore file in your home directory, the $CVSIGNORE variable, any -I command option, and finally the contents of .cvsignore files in the working copy used as CVS works in each directory. A ! as the ignore specification at any point nullifies the entire ignore list built up to that point.

From: http://cvsbook.red-bean.com/cvsbook.html#$CVSIGNORE