I've been cleaning up my modules so I can get things in shape to manage them all the same way. I'm giving them all POD tests and updating the email address in all of them, for instance. I've also added README and META.yml to each distribution.
I happened to check for a new CPANTS results, and indeed there are.
The database schema is a bit different, though, so I can't use the query I used last time.
sqlite> select kwalitee.dist,kwalitee.kwalitee from kwalitee,dist where kwalitee.distid = dist.id and dist.author = 'BDFOY' order by kwalitee.dist;
Apache-iTunes-0.07|10 Business-ISBN-Data-1.03|8 Business-ISMN-1.4|8 ConfigReader-Simple-1.18|9 HTML-SimpleLinkExtor-1.08|10 HTTP-Cookies-Mozilla-1.04|8 HTTP-Cookies-Omniweb-1.03|8 HTTP-Cookies-Safari-1.03|8 HTTP-SimpleLinkChecker-1.06|10 HTTP-Size-0.91|10 Mac-Errors-1.00|10 Mac-Path-Util-0.11|10 Mac-PropertyList-0.9|10 Mac-iTunes-0.82|7 Math-NoCarry-1.06|10 Net-MAC-Vendor-0.21|10 Netscape-Bookmarks-1.5|8 Object-Iterate-0.51|10 Pod-LaTeX-TPR-1.04|8 Polyglot-0.07|8 Set-CrossProduct-1.5|10 Test-Data-1.02|10 Test-Env-0.11|11 Test-File-1.06|10 Test-HTTPStatus-0.62|10 Test-Manifest-0.95|10 Test-Prereq-1.025|10 Tie-Cycle-1.09|11 Tie-Toggle-1.04|10
select name,cpanid,average_kwalitee,distcount from authors where distcount>5 order by average_kwalitee desc limit 20;
Domizio Demichelis|DOMIZIO|10.1538461538462|13 Dave Rolsky|DROLSKY|10.1351351351351|37 Mark Stosberg|MARKSTOS|10.1111111111111|9 David Wheeler|DWHEELER|10.1|10 Adam Kennedy|ADAMK|10.0333333333333|30 Joshua Hoblitt|JHOBLITT|10|6 Julius C. Duque|JCDUQUE|10|17 Barbie|BARBIE|10|8 Fabien Potencier|FABPOT|10|11 Stephan Buys|STEPHANB|10|12 Elizabeth Mattijsen|ELIZABETH|9.975|40 Ian Langworth|IAN|9.92857142857143|14 Ron Savage|RSAVAGE|9.92|25 Brian Ingerson|INGY|9.91666666666667|48 Steven Schubiger|SCHUBIGER|9.84615384615385|13 Schuyler Erle|SDERLE|9.83333333333333|6 Dana Hudes|DHUDES|9.83333333333333|6 Michael A. Nachbaur|NACHBAUR|9.83333333333333|6 Dave Cross|DAVECROSS|9.8125|16 Autrijus Tang|AUTRIJUS|9.78313253012048|83
sqlite> select name,cpanid,average_kwalitee,distcount from authors where cpanid="BDFOY";
brian d foy|BDFOY|9.37931034482759|29
Send me more interesting queries that you'd like to see generated by the web interface.
Re:interesting queries ?
pudge on 2004-09-22T16:15:40
Heh, I could get my average up to 9 if I deleted the modules I don't support. But that would be far too vain.:-)
Re:cpants and querylet
brian_d_foy on 2004-09-20T11:27:13
Dows this show all of the modules, or just all of the ones that have a zero in some kwalitee column?
Only a handful of my modules show up.Re:cpants and querylet
rjbs on 2004-09-20T12:07:27
It only shows imperfect modules. (Check my journal for the details.)Re:cpants and querylet
brian_d_foy on 2004-09-20T22:41:04
Very nice:)
Thanks:) Re:cpants and querylet
pudge on 2004-09-22T16:17:39
You lose points for not having a META.yml? I guess I am destined to always lose points...