You know this guy isn't me because he capitalizes his name.
Re:Stop the Confusion!
brian_d_foy on 2004-08-17T14:57:42
That's next year's resolution. It's a union gig that comes with health insurance.
Ongoing projects include: Intense transmission of malaria and dengue
That's another way I knew he wasn't you.
brian_d_foy on 2004-08-17T21:28:54
Considering where I was last year, how do you know I'm not doing that? I didn't take my happy pills like the military wanted me too.:)
jdavidb on 2004-08-18T14:30:29
rotfl! Thanks for the morning chortle!
Re:I am not..
jplindstrom on 2004-08-18T08:47:37
And I am neither the jpl in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, nor that unused Java directory in the Perl source:)
All my life I've wanted to be someone; I guess I should have been more specific.
Lily Tomlin (1939- )Re:I am not..
jdavidb on 2004-08-18T14:27:13
I am, however, the Java debugger. Discovered this a few years back, when my login ID at work was my initials instead of a stupid numeric thing.