Free subscriptions for the people who help(ed)? TPR

brian_d_foy on 2004-06-18T15:15:51

As I was updating the subscriber's database for The Perl Review, I realized I completely ignoring the people who did work for TPR and shouldn't have to pay.

If you did something, even something really small, from writing a book review to a full article or editing something, I'll give you a free subscription for a year. Just send me the particulars (name, email, physical address) and remind me what you did. Most of you will probably get an email from me asking you this, but I'm likely to forget about a few people.

This offer extends into future help too. :)

well then,

wickline on 2004-06-19T00:39:08

> offer extends into future help too

I'm doing some editing for TPR in Oct of 2022.

thanks :)


Re:well then,

brian_d_foy on 2004-06-19T02:09:23

Winter 2022 will be your first free issue.