Update your TPR subscription data :)

brian_d_foy on 2004-06-18T00:42:37

I paused subscription pledgess for The Perl Review while I was gone, and that was a long time ago. Now I am back and picking up where I left off.

I'm working furiously to make the next issue something I can put in the snail mail and in your hands, and I realize that many addresses probably changed. If you made a subscription pledge and want to update or verify your information, for now just email my new subscription hotline ( subscriptions@theperlreview.com ) with your name and mailing address. Please put "TPR subscription" in the subject line if you want to be sure your mail gets filtered into something other than my check-later folder. You should get an autoresponder message with a short note.

I am going to be on a vacation without my computer until the end of July, but after that its all nighters because OSCON is right around the corner, and that's when I want to have something on dead trees, even if it is a trial run. When I get back, I will have another round of address verification where I tell you what I think your address is and give you the chance to update it.

I will also continue to provide PDFs just like I have done in the past, and we're working on HTML versions, although I don't know how that is going to work yet.