We're starting the next TPR issue

brian_d_foy on 2004-01-26T19:35:15

The toughest part of creating a magazine is developing the content (although some magazines seem to put more effort into the graphics), so we are now soliciting articles for the next issue which we hope to ship before The Perl Conference.

If you have an article that languished in the mean time, drop us a note (letters@theperlreview.com).

If you have an idea you have not submitted, see our submission page and author's guidelines.

If you want to write, but cannot think of a topic, choose something that you did with Perl and just tell your story. You do not have to be a guru, and the most interesting stories are usually from newbies. Those ones tend to get the most insanely positive user feedback.


ambs on 2004-01-29T22:07:41

Nice to hear that. I wrote already an article to the second(?) edition of TPR and I think I'll contribute. My idea is to present any module I develop, and show why it is interesting.

Although that, if there is the need for any more 'basic' article, and the only problem is time to write it, let me know... maybe I can help writing it.

Finally, congratulations, brian, for TPR initiative (and I know that this year without issues is not your fault).