xISBN support, almost

brian_d_foy on 2004-01-25T20:07:37

I have been trying to commit my latest version of Business::ISBN, which supports xISBN, but the SourceForge CVS servers have been down most of the weekend. I got to commit one file today (.cvsignore, whoop-de-do!), and the server went down again

Once I can get this thing into CVS, I can release it, and you can do things like this to get all the camel book ISBNs (so you can buy them all on eBay, Amazon.com Marketplace, etc, then destroy them to drive up the value of yours ;)

my $isbn = Business::ISBN->new( '0596000278' );
my @related = $isbn->xisbn;

That is really just a wrapper around http://labs.oclc.org/xisbn/0596000278 which returns a bit of XML (which your browser may interpret for you). It is an amazingly cool service.

Even though you can't get this on CPAN or in CVS, I made my working directory available as a gzipped tarball. The version number of the module comes from the CVS branch number, so this one is not incremented, but you can at least play around with it until I can properly release it.


ambs on 2004-01-25T20:46:25

Didn't you say sometime ago on modules@cpan.org mailing list that this would be the new name for your Business::ISBN module?


brian_d_foy on 2004-01-25T20:56:00

I was thinking about that because Andy Lester was musing that bibliographic things deserved its own namespace, but for the moment inertia (and my current circumstance) wins.


ambs on 2004-01-25T21:01:35

Talking about Andy Lester and your current circumstance: if you see there is need for some people to take care of LaTeX glue for TPR, just whistle ;)


brian_d_foy on 2004-01-26T17:16:21

Talk to me again about this when TPR gets going again.