Progress installing Windows software

brian_d_foy on 2004-01-02T16:50:22

After about an hour, I got Mozilla FireBird installed on my USB storage thingy. Now I can use a real browser. As a bonus, it also stores all of my files (cookies, etc) on my device so I can now have my own settings and bookmarks.

TeraTerm SSH is running nicely, so now I need to get something to SCP. I want to create some SSH keys just for the device, add those to my authorized_keys, and then, just maybe, I could intereact with SourceForge so I can play with CVS directly from that device.

I installed the latest ActivePerl, which took a while, but did not seem to not work. I have not tried it yet. It was not able to put some things in the Registry (can someone tell me what needs to be in there? They flashed by quickly before I realized the consequence of that) since I cannot modify that, and the command.exe seems to want to stay in the same directory all of the time.

I figure now that I can make my own private registry and add that when I log in, and if I find an alternate command.exe thingy (suggestions), I can have a real terminal.

By the time I get this all set up and working nicely I'll be enjoying my broadband at home.


ajt on 2004-01-02T17:05:49

While TeraTerm is okay, I'd consider PuTTY as a better alternative. It's a bit more modern so supports SSH2, and it is still under active development.

I doubt you have space for Cygwin but that would be very cool...


brian_d_foy on 2004-01-02T17:29:20

Right---just got those and will check them out. Thanks!


ajtaylor on 2004-01-03T19:02:55

For windows scp functionality check out WinSCP at I've used it at home and it works fine.