FreeBSD uptime kicks ass

brian_d_foy on 2003-11-25T14:14:34

A long time ago I went away (well, February 7), and now that I am back in Chicago for a week I am clearing up the long queue of internal support tickets for my household. (The nerve of adding more computers to the network while I was gone!)

I logged into my FreeBSD machine, after several unsuccessful attempts to remember its name or IP address, and discovered it is still cranking out CPAN stats for The Perl Review.

I think it may have been turned off once for a thunderstorm, but that does not really count. We do that to a lot of things just in case. Other operating systems that I have used hardly make it through a day without blue screens of death.

I've got a similar box

Herkemer on 2003-11-25T17:08:40

My Mail/Web server at the house just passed 1 year of uptime.

11:04am up 367 days, 19:11, 3 users, load average: 0.12, 0.16, 0.10

We've had at least 5 power outages, none out lasting the UPS. It's really a shame, because I bought a larger UPS for this system a while back (10 months or so) and haven't had the heart to powerdown to move it over. Now I'm afraid what won't come back after a reboot, so I'm holding off for now, maybe I'll give it a shot after 2 years of uptime :)

Re:I've got a similar box

Dom2 on 2003-11-25T18:04:33

Ah, uptime comparisons. I try to avoid them normally, but I was particularly chuffed when I got mailed the uptime of a box from a previous job, before it got made redundant. It was one of the first things that I set up for that company.
% uptime
  2:51pm  up 1489 day(s),  2:45,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.04, 0.04

It's been running squid constantly for several hundred users since day 1. The OS is SunOS 5.6, so you can't have it all. ;-)


Re:I've got a similar box

brian_d_foy on 2003-11-25T18:55:57

I am not really so concerned about the uptime, but the fact that it is still doing what is supposed to be doing pleases me. :)

Maybe, in FreeBSD 8 or so (isn't that one code named SkyNet?) we won't even be needed.