Who wants free beer?

brian_d_foy on 2003-11-21T14:54:49

I'll be in Heathrow Terminal 4 most of the afternoon on the 23rd. Who needs a drink? Or are the airports as messed up as the American ones?

And, if you cannot make it, any suggestions on ways to keep myself occupied during the layover?


Buck on 2003-11-21T16:02:48

Coming back from Jamaica last month, I was OK until arriving in Miami. Immigration was swift enough, but customs was more time consuming; I had to uncheck my baggage and go through TSC's inspection area. Then, go through metal detectors to get to my terminal. It was a four-hour layover, so I fired up the TiBook, updated my journal and uploaded what pictures I still had in my camera to iPhoto and created an album. There was no wi-fi where I was at the airport, and the battery was getting low, so I shut it off and listened to some music on the iPod.

By the way, my Jamaica pictures, for those who are curious, are here. When you get to Image16, I'm the one on the far left, with the drink in my hand.

mmm, beer

richardc on 2003-11-22T00:14:00

I'll be in Heathrow Terminal 4 most of the afternoon on the 23rd. Who needs a drink? Or are the airports as messed up as the American ones?

I think there are some suitably awful bars ground-side that are open during regular licensing hours, so I'll try to make it down.

I'll also forward this url on to london.pm in case anyone else feels the urge.

And now for the part that could miss if this is too late, what time do you get in?

Re:mmm, beer

brian_d_foy on 2003-11-22T04:29:21

i get in at 1300 from that country in the south that doesn't start with an "I". :)

i won't be able to leave the terminal though.