Computers are useless

brian_d_foy on 2003-11-20T10:27:10

That is, they are useless unless you can tell them what to do. I am forced to use these gub'ment computers that do not have any programming tools on them, so I cannot get a lot done. I am amazed that anyone can get anything done without knowing at least a little of some language.

My laptop has about 10 perl programs that simply agreggate information for me so I do not have to do so much pointy-clicky stuff. I can read use.perl without a web browser (a truly awful experience tempered only by the potential good info in the journals)---the program downloads all the recent journals and I just keep hitting the space bar. I'll have to turn this into a CGI script or something so I can use it from a browser. I have another program which scraps a couple of Army sites to pull together my daily update of stuff, but I haven't been able to use that either. And so on and so on... Life takes so much longer without something to tell the computer what to do.

I bet there are people out there who go around banging things with hammers just because they have hammers, too.

If I had a hammer...

nicholas on 2003-11-20T11:55:07

I bet there are people out there who go around banging things with hammers just because they have hammers, too

They're called geologists :-)

Re:If I had a hammer...

brian_d_foy on 2003-11-20T17:23:49

Geologists only bang on rocks so they can lick them. The hammers are only a quick way to get to the juicy center.