Shout outs to richardc

brian_d_foy on 2003-11-19T15:45:53

[Extremely annoying moment: I am in a internet cafe in the "South" (meaning, I am not "North", figure it out :), and the computers are set up to have only one IE window open at a time. This makes link-making very tough. Damn war.]

[Furthermore, I can't find his email address]

richardc wrote Algorithm::GenerateSequence when he might have been satisfied with my Set::CrossProduct.

His implementation is much different than mine, so maybe there is room in the world for two things that achieve the same effect in different ways. The difference in use is apparent to the programmer, and one way might be easier to deal with. Who knows.

Still, reading his documentation gave me a lot of interesting ideas, so it is not a total waste. :)


petdance on 2003-11-19T16:03:10

His address is rclamp @ for one.

accidental duplication

richardc on 2003-11-20T10:52:37

richardc wrote Algorithm::GenerateSequence when he might have been satisfied with my Set::CrossProduct.

Indeed, and if I'd have found it I would have been pleased to use it. Even as I wrote it I had this sneaking feeling that the wheel already existed, though I didn't think to look in the Set:: namespace. This probably reflects more on my not paying attention in maths class than to anything else.

Anyway, I'm glad you gained something from my version, sorry for the toe-trampling.

Re:accidental duplication

brian_d_foy on 2003-11-20T17:22:22

No toe-trampling :) Perhaps we should add your interface to Set::CrossProduct. I had a situation today where an anonymous subroutine to iterate automatically would have been very nice. :)