What is this karma nonsense?

brian_d_foy on 2003-11-12T16:33:07

I'm not that much of a use.perler, and i affirmatively avoid slashdot, but i noticed i have a thing that says "Karma" under my name on this page. Where are the docs for this? what does it mean? does my karma look the same to everyone? does other's karma look the same to me?

boy am i illiterate.

Karma info

Louis_Wu on 2003-11-12T19:46:47

I couldn't find local docs about karma, so here are the relevant /. FAQs: karma, friends, etc.

"Friends" are a way to mark who you're interested in - on use.perl I've seen it used most to make journal reading easier. I go to http://use.perl.org/user/louis_wu/amigos and read the latest 10 journal entries from people I have marked Friends. I marked you as friend so that I wouldn't miss any journals from you - that means that I look like a Fan to you. Check out your fans page to see how many people are probably reading your journal. :)

Re:Karma info

jdavidb on 2003-11-12T22:01:53

I've found friends to be intensely useful on slashdot. I used it as something to do when I had no mod points; if I saw a particularly insightful post, I'd mark the author as a friend. I configured my account to give a bonus to any posts from friends (or fans), and browse at a threshold of 4. After I started accumulating friends (and even a few fans), I discovered that slashdot was much more interesting to read ... I was seeing a lot of content from people I had found insightful before. I loved the feature so much I hit the maximum number of friends earlier this year and never could figure out what to do.

It's worth noting that on slashdot, karma was transformed from a number into an adjective-rank awhile ago, but it's still a number on use Perl;.