The web sucks

brian_d_foy on 2003-11-12T01:09:22

I am stuck with a web only connection. Even with my own computer, I cannot ssh, ftp, telnet, or cvs.

The no-cvs bits are the worst. I would like to commit a lot of the stuff that I have done over the past couple of days. I've already accidently deleted a script today, and I have no hope of getting it back.

I have, in various pre-alpha-just-fooling-around stages:

  • Modules to access the various CPAN files in modules/. I know does this, but it is not reusable.
  • A Tk Perl class browser that looks really ugly because I don't care how things pack. I always have fun with Tk, ever since I started using it with Tcl in grad school.
  • A possible extension to Tk::HList to expand and collapse entries, although I am really fuzzy on extending Tk things.

I could just upload this stuff to CPAN through a web form, but I have become too dependent on my release script. I'm stuck until I can find an internet cafe, maybe (there's one in Kuwait I know about).

It's not really that much of a problem, though. In a couple of days I won't have any more time for this stuff for a while and the urgency will evaporate. :)


inkdroid on 2003-11-12T01:35:45

Can't you install CVS locally?


brian_d_foy on 2003-11-12T16:21:27

i have cvs locally, but the repositories i want to commit to are on sourceforge.

you know, it's that whole open source community thing. :)

my other repositories are on my personal account at PANIX. that way, somebody else is responsible for back-ups and whatnot. CVS wouldn't do me any good if i horked my hard drive over here (although i can now make CD backups since i found someone selling CD-Rs).


Dom2 on 2003-11-12T10:51:05

Could you get away with using covert channels? Something like httptunnel would probably work well...



Adrian on 2003-11-12T15:18:08

Of course you have to find somebody to set it up, but subversion works over DAV so should work in HTTP only land - might be worth considering as an alternative to CVS.

(disclaimer: I'm a pro-subversion bigot :-)


brian_d_foy on 2003-11-12T16:25:25

i looked at subversion a while ago, and it didn't have anything that i really needed enough to switch over from CVS. i'm really low tch like that.

however, i could do CVS over port 80, too. i just need to make an ssh tunnel. however, i can't get to the remote parts to do that.

i'm looking at this like a big Computer Lent---give up something to see just how important it is in life. And, ultimately, six more months is not really going to mean that much in the big scheme of things. Perl does not seemed to have imploded without me. :)


Adrian on 2003-11-12T23:19:33

Perl does not seemed to have imploded without me. :)

Or is it that nobody has told you ;-)