Not Dead Yet

brian_d_foy on 2003-10-22T07:40:09

A couple of people have asked me what I need over here. There is not relly much that I really need, but I like info bout what is happening, etc. Ziggy just sent me a CPAN snapshot, which I can really use. Any tech magazines that people are done reading I would like to look at. I get about 30 minutes on the computer every other day, so I do not have much time to see what other people are doing, so if people want to brag about their programs to me, send me a disk with it. If perlguy wants to get me a MasterCard with no limit and no expectation of me paying it back, I'll take that too. There is always my Amazon wish list, as well, although Nat and Ziggy has been sending me lots and lots of books.

My powerbook should be able to read Windows disks too.

SSG brian d foy 119th MP Co APO AE 09335

sending things

nicholas on 2003-10-22T12:35:22

Ziggy just sent me a CPAN snapshot, which I can really use.

Bah. I was thinking that this was something that I could send you. What's the Schwartz factor on the snapshot you were sent?

Presumably when you say "disk" you mean CD, given that

  1. Macs just don't do floppy drives
  2. (I assume) CDs are more likely to survive the hostile desert climate

Re:sending things

ziggy on 2003-10-22T16:52:51

What's the Schwartz factor on the snapshot you were sent?
Technically, the Schwartz Factor of that snapshot was 1.00. It was a fresh rsync from earlier this month, split over 3 CDs. (It would fit on a DVD, but (a) I don't have a DVD-burner, and (b) I don't remember if brian has a DVD-ROM).

Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of 9-track tape driving across the USA.

Re:sending things

brian_d_foy on 2003-10-27T08:23:48

He sent me round platters with holes in the middle. They were CDs though, although I also have to use floppies out here. It is not so hot anymore. I can even use the computer for more than an hour without it overheating. (Powerbooks already run really hot anyway).

I have not measured the Schwartz Factor on it yet, although I updated my miniCPAN last night. I only have about an hour at the end of the day to mess around, so things go very slowly.

DVD?? or USB access??

jcavanaugh on 2003-10-28T03:53:50

I assume you have a dvd on your powerbook, right?? I could send you a complete cpan archive on dvd if you want.

Also do the internet computers have an exposed usb. ie. something where you could plug in a USB to compact flash reader. That would probably be a lot easier than using floppies.

John Cavanaugh