I am working on a (non-technical) project, and although I use all of the trappings of technical projects, including make, CVS, and so on, the other people do not really care about that. They just want to see the results.
Since I have a Makefile, I can easily publish the results.
FILE=foo.txt USER=joe_user HOST=foo.example.com DIR=public_html/project DEST=${USER}@${HOST}:${DIR}
publish: ${FILE} scp ${FILE} ${DEST} @ touch $@
-C dir Change to directory dir before reading the makefiles or doing anything else. If multiple -C options are specified, each is interpreted relative to the previ- ous one: -C / -C etc is equivalent to -C /etc. This is typically used with recursive invocations of make.
*/15 * * * * make -C ${HOME}/Projects/Foo