Right now you are thinking "Do I have a web browser or don't I?".
You have to ask yourself one question---"Do I feel lucky?"
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict;
use HTML::TreeBuilder; use HTML::FormatText; use LWP::Simple; use SOAP::Lite;
# get everything at http://api.google.com my $search = SOAP::Lite->service("File:GoogleSearch.wsdl");
my $results = $search->doGoogleSearch( $ENV{GOOGLE_KEY}, "@ARGV", 0, 1, "false", "", "false", "", "latin1", "latin1"); my $link = $results->{resultElements}[0]{URL}; my $data = get( $link ); my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content( $data );
print HTML::FormatText->new(leftmargin => 0, rightmargin => 50 )->format( $tree );