The last few days have been…distracting. Everything from a new Harry Potter book (a good one, by the way) to a subpoena from Microsoft (!) has kept me from working all day, every day the way I'd prefer. Nonetheless, I've made a lot of progress.
You can now see this progress in my Subversion repository. Since I last wrote, I've:
- Made page creation work in my command-line tool, k_manip (meaning that it really works overall, but the UI hasn't been written).
- Designed the basics of the "skeleton", the representation-independent data structure used to communicate between adapter and renderer, and made both the HTML and XML renderers handle skeletons nicely.
- Made page classes actually work, although they're currently being represented as Perl classes instead of roles.
- Refactored and reorganized, including changes to the control flow.
I think I may put up a preliminary release soon; said release will probably come once I have the page creation and editing UIs in. After that, most of what's left will be the Kolophon parser, documentation and help pages, user authentication system, a couple more page classes, and several administrative-type pages.
Oh, and I have screenshots. (Large, oddly-shaped ones, because my laptop has the rather bizarre resolution of 1280x768.)
Users page, HTML view. This page uses the Kategory class.
Users page, XML view. Note that the <content> field contains the same information as the HTML view—just rendered differently. (The XML view's <content> field is basically a direct translation of the skeleton.)
Root page, HTML view. This page uses the Kiki class.
Root page, XML view. Note the rather different set of attributes.
Root page, HTML history. Clicking on the dates would yield the indicated revision of the page.
No Screenshots
Ovid on 2005-07-24T15:58:26
Your screenshot links can't be found.
=> `kontent-root-history.png'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
=> `kontent-root-history.png'
Resolving failed: Host not found.
Re:No Screenshots
brentdax on 2005-07-24T17:39:51 redirects into Coral, which can be a bit flakey. Try changing the links to '':
Users page, HTML view.
Users page, XML view.
Root page, HTML view.
Root page, XML view.
Root page, HTML history.
malte on 2005-07-25T11:13:58
Is the subpoena about not talking about the subpoena or can you tell what Microsoft is after?
brentdax on 2005-07-25T16:59:46
Hotmail phishers, including one who used my web server. I'd rather not say much more than that.