OK, I said no more non-perl content, but I typed this in during the auction, but it got lost, so I'm recreating it from memory, even though binky's covered some of it. I'll go quiet after this. Honest guvnor.
So after the final talk, there was the farewell, with lots of well-deserved applause; my particular thanks go to Jouke for organising the hotel, which was very helpful in getting a lot of the Londoners over, involved, and, um, drunk too. Greg McCarroll started a raffle for t-shirts and cards, with typically British pronunciation of the foreign names (and no, I wouldn't have done any better). Then came a rather involved explanation of Dutch bidding and Redvers Davies GTK app, and the sale of lots and lots of books.
However, there were several odd items interspersed within the shirts and books. Firstly, Greg himself competed with davorg for the date for the official meeting date: first Thursday of the month, or the day after the first Wednesday of the month (see the london.pm FAQ for more). After getting out of their depths, each side attracted a posse of supporters; davorg had the numbers, but Greg had the money, and cunning- promising beer to defectors then pulling an IRC bid out of the air to win the day.
Also auctioned were dedications of modules and japh/obfuscated code, and (naturally) signed pictures of Buffy and Willow. Greg also sang, which drove up profits enormously. Anyway, all good fun, and I'm glad I was there.