YAPC::Europe- final day (all in one! for once)

blech on 2001-08-04T13:52:43

The pub crawl was last night. We went back to the Wildemaan, except this time there were about 50 of us, and half of us didn't dissappear into the neighbouring Bon Ton, so we completly blocked the hall. Pictures of the pub crawl (numbers 62+) and the #perl photo (55-61) are at the usual place. It was nice to sit and hear sky and richardc discuss internals.

Unfortunately richardc's laptop died last night. I joined the mourning (it used to be mine- long story) but I did gain two batteries today, which gives me six hours, more or less. I haven't plugged in once and have been online more or less all day. It's nice. Shame they're so heavy.

This morning, I made it in for the keynote, which has been covered elsewhere, then Greg's 'Stone Soup' talk, which was fairly amusing and interesting. Skud's Reefknot talk was interesting, too; despite being unfinished, it was the highest quantity of Perl this morning, and it mentioned datetime@perl.org, which is a mailing list for, um, Perl people with an interest in date and time. Thanks to nntp.perl.org I can catch up with it, which is nice. Then pdcawley's 12 step, where I was self-appointed URL fetcher. Interesting confessions, but I wasn't brave enough to do mine.

We also got to see the infamous (on #perl, anyway) Steve Ballmer dance, monkey boy, dance video on the big screen- you should check it out (and the preceeding paragraph) at NTK. Interesting, especially at a conference- we've been thanfully free of monkey dancing...

After lunch, when I found out how much I have to learn about makefiles and with binky's help, downloaded london.pm.org to hack on. Then up for Wax::On, Wax::Off which went pretty well. As the appointed video editor, it seemed to come out well enough; the Quicktime captures from last week were OK, nobody noticed the edits (I think) and the only video to fail was a DivX. Heh.

Then a run across the conference for Javascript.pm, which is interesting, but not quite what I expected, and then down to the Security Bloopers talk. This was scary. There were 100-odd plain text passwords sniffed. 37 of these were POP3 (which I hopefully dodged due to SSH tunneling traffic), 27 telnet (misconfiguring PuTTY or idiocy? you decide!), 8 ftp and, um, 30 http. I'm sure one of those was my use.perl.org password. There is no https://use.perl.org/, and the password isn't even vaguely encrypted in the cookie that I use to authenticate myself. I can't change the password without, um, entering it in plain text. Consider this a feature request <g/>

The analysis of the sniffed passwords was interesting too. More disturbing than the 30 passwords based on dictionary words were the 3 that were username eq password. It also seems we had two Code Red infected web servers. sigh.

Just the closing speech and auction left tonight. After that, I may not have bandwidth, so I'll probably not write again until cough I have some perl programs or modules to share. Ahem.