...uploading something on YouTube. Ok, not that much of a venture: all the kids out there do it all the time. But seriously I made it more difficult than it would have been. Since I took the clips with my camera, but they portray a friend of mine's cat pets, I was overly concerned with privacy. And I changed all settings... just to change them back to the defaults when she told me it was ok to make them public, allow comments, and so on.
In case anyone wants to see them, here they are!
Back to real world: I'm going now on a daily basis to give them some food and make sure they're fine. They've just arrived and two days ago they were still crying for their mom. Now my friend's home is already their territory, and they're so tender and so funny, playing all the time. What a wonderful life! Eating, sleeping, playing, pooping. That's it! Oh, and tons of caresses and fondling. I'm almost jealous...
Technically, I'm doing a favour to this friend of mine who is so concerned about her new little acquaintances, but really I'm also benefitting much from this engagement, in this otherwise so horribly depressed and painful period. They speak of pet therapy. I'm beginning to understand... although I've always been and remain skeptical about "cheap" substitutes for human relationships some people turn their love for animals into. (This is not the case with my friend and will never ever be with me.)