A tiny bit of Justice for once...

blazar on 2007-06-14T14:49:27

An Italian fact, but of some international and to some extent universal relevance:

These are the news at a pair of important Italian newspapers, I'd like to include an English link, but I couldn't find any.

Reported here, because it's of a strong emotional impact for me.

una ragazza con la testa rotta in una pozza di sa

mr_bean on 2007-06-15T08:11:11

"Sono rimasto terrorizzato e basito - ha spiegato - quando ho
visto a terra una ragazza con la testa rotta in una pozza di
sangue. Pensavo addirittura che stesse morendo. Fu a quel
punto che gridai: 'basta basta' e cacciai via i poliziotti
che picchiavano", ha raccontato ancora Fournier.

What does "una ragazza con la testa rotta in una pozza di sangue" mean? A bowl of food with a rotten testicle in a pool of blood? A ragazza with the redhead spotted with blood?

I was frightened and astonished...

blazar on 2007-06-15T13:27:00

"I was frightened and astonished -he explained- when I saw a girl on the floor with a broken head in a lake of blood. I even thought she was dying. It was at that point that I shouted: 'stop stop' and I chased the cops who were beating people out", Fournier further said.