nerdz rule nerd rulez

blazar on 2007-05-30T10:59:07

Yes, I did something very nerdish in PerlMonks. Should I explain that? Well people who are users there will already know: everything is a node, and each node has a unique numeric id. Now one shouldn't generally care about it since it's a container, not a content, but occasionally, people do, when the number is somewhat "special" to human eyes, as in this case with 600000. Then I did it to, for a sequence of digits that to me is even more significative: 618034. I suspect it won't be as much for others, and in retrospect I think that I may have written something more significative. As of now, it's a poem plus some code that prints "approximations" to the node itself. (Ratios of Fibonacci numbers, conveniently "translated" into suitable node ids.)

On a completely unrelated basis... I have not been writing anything here for quite a lot of time. Not that I need to explain anything to anyone, let alone myself, but tomorrow's post will clarify on that. Well, no: it won't. But it will give some clue...