Italian Perl Workshop 2009

bepi on 2009-05-29T14:17:38

The Italian Perl Users and the group are proud to announce the Fifth Italian Perl Workshop (IPW2009).

The conference will be held in Pisa, in rooms kindly offered by the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of National Research Council on 22-23 October, 2009.

This is a non-profit event and is the national conference on the Perl language and related technologies.

This Workshop aims to be an opportunity for Perl users to meet each others, both professionals and amateurs. It's also a great occasion for people who don't know about Perl but want to know something more about its features, its culture and the community around it.

See the complete Call for Papers.

Even though participation is free of charge (and includes Sponsor gadgets, 2 coffe break per day, participation certificate also gratis) we ask you to register as soon as possible: this will help our logistics.

For more information see workshop website.

See you

- Enrico