Happy accident

belg4mit on 2007-10-30T18:29:14

While idly searching* I came across a rather funny result.

*I was wondering if somebody had created some sort of perl module pertaining to and dubbed solipsism, or a variant thereof.

Solipcismatic modulata

n1vux on 2007-10-31T01:50:03

One could argue for any of ...

Bring the power of PERL programming to your Perl programs.
Acme-Inline-PERL-0.01 - 13 Jun 2001 - John McNamara

Goedelize text
Acme-Goedelize-0.02 - 17 Apr 2004 - Тодор Тодоров

A program to decide whether a given program halts
Acme-HaltingProblem-1.00 - 12 Jan 2004 - Shevek

Raising my (and others) kwalitee on CPANTS
Acme-Raise_my_kwalitee-0.02*** (2 Reviews) - 15 Sep 2004 - Henrik Tougaard

Enhances the Meta package
Acme-Meta-0.02 - 01 Oct 2006 - Nicholas Clark

the only constructor you ever need
Acme-UNIVERSAL-new-0.01 - 28 Jan 2006 - chromatic


Effectively loads every class in CPAN
Acme-Everything-1.00 - 05 Jun 2006 - Adam Kennedy

Re:Solipcismatic modulata

belg4mit on 2007-10-31T02:23:56

Hrmm. Given my dictonary's definition:

a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing
I was thinking more along the lines of a B&D OO module.