This is not a rant.
So I sort of alluded to this in my previous
entry (though this is not the only disenchantment),
I've been abstaining from PerlMonks. Although
a few times I've been cleaning my bookmarks
and ended up clicking something from there,
doh! I felt like I was getting quite a bit of
unwarranted flac from a few parties and not
being recognized/acknowledged by others. I'm
not trying to be spiteful by not hanging around,
and I'm not seeking pity. They don't owe me or
anyone else anything, but by the same token
neither do I. I just felt it ought to be made
known somehow somewhere (that's kinda what a
journal is, eh?). I'm not sure what good
abstinence will do, but I don't see any other
options. I haven't missed it all that much,
though if I soak up too many rays I run out of
things to do and start itching to mosey on over.
There have also been a few random things I've
wanted to post and ask (Such as what is a good
search engine for arbitrary strings e.g. " s/o"
The almighty google, AV, they all seem to suck)
Well I guess that's enough punting.