Portuguese pop song

bart on 2005-04-30T15:44:47

I heard a pop song in Portuguese on the radio the other day. At least, it sounded Portuguese to me. I thought it was very cool, but I have no idea who it was. I'll probably never hear it again.

Things suck, this way.

cog to the rescue

cog on 2005-04-30T16:14:14

Relax. I don't think there are that many Portuguese groups that get played internationally :-)

Pop, you say? Portuguese?

Anything peculiar about the song? Masculine voice? Feminine? Acoustic guitars, perhaps? Back vocals? Any word echoing in your head?

Also, where did you listen to that song?

Come on, give me something to work with :-)

As a strategy of last resort, I can start sending you some mp3 by email O:-)

Re:cog to the rescue

bart on 2005-05-01T23:28:52

Thanks for trying to take a shot. However, I'm not even sure I'd recognize it again, if I heard it again. Things like this always happen to me. Anyway, to answer your questions, as good as I remember...

It was a soft, relaxed man's voice, a bit like that Brazilian samba guy, Gilberto Gil, so it could have been Brazilian, but the music itself most definitely wasn't in a Latin style. One instrument stood: an electric guitar with a sound like from the Police, or Laurent Voulzy (in technical terms: they probably used a Flanger), slowly playing one note at a time. It had a relaxed atmosphere, I thought at the time that it would fit quite nicely in the soundtrack of a drama/romantic comedy type movie. As for the lyrics: I think the word "sexy" appeared in it, as in "you are sexy". Yup, it felt like a courting song to me, like birds gently dancing around each other.

Does that give you anything to work with? I doubt it.

Re:cog to the rescue

cog on 2005-05-02T10:50:56

I'm trying to remember the voice of Gilberto Gil...

Just to make this clear: the guy wasn't singing in English, right? Or was he?

I'm inclined to go with David Fonseca, but the guy has almost only English songs.

Re:cog to the rescue

bart on 2005-05-02T11:17:41

If it was in English, I wouldn't have called it a "Portuguese song", would I?

It definitely sounded like what I've heard how Brazilian people talk — while I actually don't understand a single word of it.

Thanks for the name, I'll try to find some samples, see if it might be him.

Re:cog to the rescue

cog on 2005-05-02T11:39:04

Also note: David Fonseca used to have a band called "Silence 4". Could be that too...

Other than him, and we a lot more Portuguese songs, you have "Delfins" (they used to be a great band...)

Re:cog to the rescue

bart on 2005-05-02T18:09:56

While we're at it... can you tell me the titles for the most famous songs of Madredeus? I'm on the lookout for one particular song, one that made them famous here... but for the life of me, I can't seem to find the title.

Re:cog to the rescue

cog on 2005-05-04T13:28:40

Here are some of the most famous ones (these all got into their "best of", called "Antologia")

O Pastor
Oxalá *
Haja O Que Houver *
Andorinha da Primavera
Céu da Mouraria
As Ilhas Dos Acores
As Brumas Do Futuro
Ao Longe O Mar
O Sonho
O Paraíso
Vaca de Fogo *
O Mar
O Tejo

* - IMHO, some of the most famous

Re:cog to the rescue

bart on 2005-09-05T11:34:23

In case anyone still cares: it was "O Pastor" that I was searching for. It's track 5 in the player on their website. A haunting melody, one you still won't forget after several years — as I can testify. "Oxalá" and "Haja O Que Houver" aree indeed very nice too, but some of the others I found not so convincing.

As for the song that started this thread: I've not heard it again. As expected.