I mentioned in my previous journal entry that I'd been given an offer to use the code I'd been working. However, the deal the MD has come up with, means that I get approximately 32% of the sale price, out of which I have to pay any other developer/graphics designer I need. Whereas the company takes 50%. The MD then had the gaul to say he saw us as partners.
I will be made redundant next Friday. Between then and any sales coming, which won't be any time soon, I will be unemployed. Seeing as I need to work on the code and design to create a demo site, whilst having a mortgage, together with a partner and son to feed. I wonder who is taking the biggest risk? Less than 25% (assuming I pay for at least a decent designer) of the sale price (ã10k on current estimates) won't last a month, and it'll be me who will have to arrange contacts, sales, etc.
My other option is take everything I've learned and redesign from scratch. It will be a more streamlined product as many of the constraints I had before won't be there. The only thing is that it'll take me longer to do the demo site. If the deal doesn't get better, that is exactly what I will do. At least then I'll be confident that any sales will be for me and not to someone trying to drown me before I begin.