A busy few weeks

barbie on 2002-04-08T11:21:31

These last few weeks have been more hectic than I thought possible, even though I'm supposedly only doing a 3 day week at the moment.

I have been hard at work getting my life together. Still no Perl jobs on the horizon, which is a bit sad, but I shall be attacking agaencies a bit harder this week. After last Wednesday, when QIIS announced that half the production staff were being made redundant, no-one wants to stay here. Now that 3 close friends here are being made redundant I just want to get out with them. Pity we can't stick together, but that's life I suppose.

Managed to do a first design for Nicole's Sculpture website, which doesn't look to bad. Now we just need to do some photos of her work and it'll be ready to go. Nicole has also told me that the band she sings with, Slim Pickins, want to remarket themselves as Nicole's backing band, as a better way to advertise their songs to songwriting agencies. My friend Lynsey has come up with a couple of great ideas for a new website for her, which I shall start pulling together over the next few weeks. The ideas wouldn't look out of place on Natalie Merchant's website, which is kind of the market we aiming for, so that's good:) In the meantime the band will just have to make do with own site, which is now running off my server at home.

Have finally got both the Slim Pickins and Dan's sites successfully running off my home server. All running with Apache, MySQL, ActivePerl and Template Toolkit on a Win98 box. Thankfully they're not high hit sites ;) Unfortunately my plan of getting my old machine up and running with all the gubbins for the sites has hit problems. The power supply had packed up and after finally sending away for a new one, I have now found that the motherboard is doing diddly squat :( I shall now be looking for a cheap board on eBay.

The bank finally said yes to giving us an mortgage extension, so we now have the ability to pay off credit cards, loans and overdrafts that made a 3 day week crippling. Mind you a 5 day week was tough. We can plan that first holiday to Ireland for Dan.

Dan has been trying to code. He currently loves taking over my PC keyboard or tapping away on my laptop. I think we have the making of a Perl guru :) We recently took some photos with him at his keyboard, which will make it online as soon as I get the chance to use the scanner.