CPAN Testers Summary - September 2009 - Wind And Wuthering

barbie on 2009-10-05T19:10:25

Cross-posted from the CPAN Testers Blog.

Last month was a fairly quiet month in terms of development, as projects such as the call for CPAN Meta Spec change proposals were opened on the QA Wiki, and the NA and Europe YAPC Conference Surveys were unveiled. However, there are some statistics that are planning to see the light of day soon, thanks to Tim Bunce putting together an updated Perl Myths talk for OSSBarCamp in Dublin last month. Expect to see them on the CPAN Statistics site some time during the month.

The CPAN Testers have been continuing to make headway through the uploaded modules, and I'm also pleased to say that the builder keeping the Reports sites up to date, has been managing the page requests very well this month, despite such a large volume of reports being submitted and continued interest in the site.

After all the news featured in the August Summary, it's not too surprising we've not had too much to report for September.

Last month we had a total of 161 testers submitting reports. The mappings this month included 22 total addresses mapped, of which 11 were for newly identified testers.

As I've mentioned previously, if you're planning to present a testing related talk at a forthcoming workshop or technical event, please let me know and I'll get it posted on here too.

That's all for this month's summary, so until the next post, happy testing :)