YAPC::Europe 2009 Survey - Results Now Online

barbie on 2009-09-28T12:22:56

At the beginning of August 2009, the 10th Annual YAPC::Europe took place. In the following weeks attendees were asked to complete surveys for the talks, tutorials and the conference as a whole. I'm pleased to announce that the results of the YAPC Conference Survey for the YAPC::Europe 2009 event are now available online.

The additional comments and suggestions given via the feedback forms have been sent to the organisers, as well as to next year's organisers, hopefully giving them the opportunity to refine their ideas to improve the conference experience for everyone in the future.

In addition, the results of the talk and tutorial evaluation forms have also been sent out to the respective speakers. If you were a speaker in Lisbon and haven't received an email from me by the end of today, check your spam box first, then contact me if you still haven't found anything.

My thanks to the organisers for letting me run the survey for YAPC::Europe this year, and many thanks to everyone who responded to the main survey, as well as all the evaluation surveys.

If you have suggestions for improving the surveys, please let me know.