Current Status of the CPAN Testers Reports Builder

barbie on 2009-07-25T17:25:27

Cross-posted from the CPAN Testers Blog

If you don't normally hit the front page of the CPAN Testers Reports site (the dynamic one), you might not have noticed the visual updates made this weekend to the site. The change to the front page now allows you to see the current status of the builder, working away on the backend. The status update reports the number of requests in the queue and the request time of the oldest request. This should hopefully reduce the number of emails I get asking whether the server is working, and whether its coping well with the volume of reports.

At 19:10 on Saturday 25th July, the numbers looked like this:

| oldest              | total | count |
| 2009-07-23 14:01:39 | 11668 |  7900 | 

From this you can see that the oldest request is just over 2 days old, there are a total of 11,668 requests waiting, of which 7,900 are unique. That's a low number, which is good. If the total goes over 20k or the oldest request is over 5 days old, then something has gone wrong. If that happens then feel free to send me an email point it out.

On the backend, some of the changes now ensure that the oldest requests are at least processed periodically, so that they don't stay in the queue too long. Also requests which usually have only 1 request in the total, are often quick hits, and every couple of hours, these get looked at too. It all means that the pages get manage quite nicely and the updates keep a nice balance across the whole site.