Announcing the YAPC Surveys website

barbie on 2009-02-23T08:00:07

Since YAPC::Europe in 2006, I've been running the YAPC Surveys for each YAPC::Europe. The results have usually been posted on use.perl and PerlMonks, but after collating all the survey data from the event in Copenhagen last year, I thought a centralised site might be better to store the associated data and documents.

As such, I'm pleased to announce the new site YAPC Conference Surveys.

Currently the documents from 2006 and 2007 are listed, and with the launch of the new website, I'm also to pleased to include the basic HTML version of the results from the YAPC::Europe 2008 survey. The traditional documents have been forwarded on to the Copenhagen guys, and I'm sure they'll be releasing their comments on the results and feedback in due course. I plan to make the raw data available, once I've had a chance to santise any entries that may be either too personal or identify the survey respondee.

The surveys are being improved for YAPC::Europe 2009, and will include even more feedback facilities for individual presentations, and also will be available for attendees to complete during the conference, not just afterwards. The data analysis tools have been overhauled and will mean I will be able to turn around the results into emails and online as appropriate much quicker. If you have any suggestions for the survey site or the surveys themselves, please feel free to let me know.

Update: I'm pleased to announce that YAPC::NA 2009 in Pittsburgh will also be using the new survey system, with slight modifications to better fit an American focus. So hopefully future American YAPC organisers will benefit from the feedback in the same way as the European YAPC organisers have.