Maisha - An Update

barbie on 2009-02-18T23:05:02

After only a few days, I'm quite stunned by the reaction and positive response to my releasing Maisha on an unsuspecting world. I really never expecting to have as much interest for it as I have, but thank you to all who have downloaded it and tried it out.

The official website has at last been launched, where I'll post updates and details of new plugins and features as they emerge. At the moment the downloads page is a bit quick and dirty, but I plan to improve that and make it a little more dynamic, with all the appropriate repository links and all. Regarding the last part, my thanks go to Dave Cross for putting Maisha in his RPM repositories and to Steffen Müller for giving me the instructions to compile a PAR file.

In the last few days I've managed to make 11 releases. While some have been minor updates, I have been very grateful to suggestions for features and fixes, especially to Robert Rothenberg.

Lastly and most importantly, I'd like to thank Ethne for letting Nicole paint her hand in lovely colours to provide me with some fantastic logos. Nicole now plans to frame the originals :)